For a family of four, traveling to Orlando can be a once in a lifetime trip. With the rising cost of theme park tickets and escalating gas prices, most families can no longer afford to take their little ones to the House of Mouse. Here you will find the three best money-saving tips to use when traveling to Orlando, Florida.
Tip #1: The first tip is how to get FREE theme park tickets. Yes, absolutely FREE. This alone can save a family of four approximately $800.00. Most families purchase multi-day passes and these are usually the ones that are offered for free. You and your spouse will have to invest an hour to an hour and a half listening to a time-share presentation or a vacation club presentation. In years past, these were notoriously high pressure and lasted well into three hours. Not the case anymore. Most time-share sales offices pride themselves on the low-pressure approach. You now can literally tell them, “I’m only here for the tickets,” and your sales agent will usually give you the short version of the presentation. He obviously wants to move on to another lead. Don’t get me wrong, they will still try to sell you on their product, however, free theme park tickets via “timeshare”, are much easier to obtain now than before. Usually, you will have your choice of Disney World Tickets, Universal Studios Orlando Tickets, or Seaworld Tickets.
Tip #2: The next tip is “time of year”. If you are flexible with your travel dates, then you should pick the off-season to travel. The “off-peak” seasons in Orlando are as follows: January, May, and September. These are the best times to travel to Orlando. October is not bad, however, if you do travel in October, you should choose the first two weeks of the month. The first two weeks in December are not too bad either. During all of these months, you will enjoy lower airfare, lower hotel prices, and of course little or no lines at the theme parks. It can be frustrating when you pay well over $100.00 for a theme park ticket and are only able to ride a few rides due to the long wait times.
Tip #3: The minute you arrive, begin gathering Orlando coupon booklets, newspapers, flyers, and promo cards. The more the better! Pick up literally every piece of advertising that you can get your hands on. Once you get to your hotel, take a few minutes and look through them. You can save hundreds of dollars on meals, Orlando attractions, and souvenirs. Most overlook this treasure chest of savings. The most valuable tip of all is DO NOT STRESS! You have committed to the trip and there’s no turning back so you may as well relax and enjoy the beautiful city of Orlando, Florida.